
What are Leagues in SolusCode?

League is a coding contest organized in a tournament format where you compete with other users in multiple rounds and move up the round with each win.

Do I need a subscription to join a league?

No. Each league has its own cost for enrollment and you can join the league by paying only that cost.

Is there any discount for enrollment into leagues if I have a subscription?

Yes. If you are a subscribed user, you will get 50% discounts on each league enrollment cost.

How long does each round in league last?

You can join a league within 24 hours of the start date of the current round. You will have, however, 60 minutes to solve the question once you start the round.

I solved the question, how do I know if I won the round?

Each round will be finalized the next day. If you win, you will be moved to next round. You can see the match stats the next day. You can find the Ongoing Leagues in the Ongoing League Section in Leagues page. You can find your league based on the league number which is displayed on the top left corner of each league card. Click view button your league card and you will be able to see the status of each round.

What do I get from winning a league?

Each league has its own prize based on the number of people in the league and its difficulty level. You will earn solus coins by winning the league which can be cashed out if you have upto or more than 10,000 coins ($100 dollars).

Do SolusCode Practice Questions Appear in League?

No. SolusCode Practice Mode provides you with questions that you can practice on your free time. These questions do not appear in League Mode.

How robotic submissions are prevented?

Each leagues may have moderator accounts enrolled into the league to make sure that other contestants enrolled into the leagues submit a solution with more than 2 correct test cases for them to win.

How do I recognize a moderator account?

In the leaderboard page, a moderator account has *mod beside their name.


What are Pools?

Pools are hourly coding contests. New pools are spun up every hour.

How can I enroll into a pool?

You will need to sign up/login first. Once logged in, you can click on Pools tab on the navigation bar. Once in the pools page, you can find Upcoming Pools section. In that section, you can find pools with varying difficulty levels. Pick and choose the pool that best fits you.

How many users can enroll into a pool?

Each pool has a capacity. As long as the capacity has not reached, you can enroll into the pool.

Are pools free to enroll?

Pools have a small enrollment cost but you earn bigger cash prizes (in terms of solus coins) if you win. You can cash out solus coins if you have upto or more than 10,000 coins ($100 dollars).

Can I enroll into multiple pools at once?

Yes, you can. However, if you have two pools starting at the same time, you may not be able to find time to solve problems in both the pools at once and you may have a higher chance of submitting your solutions late to either of the pools.

How do I know if I won the pool?

After the time for the pool ends, the pool will be displayed in the Completed Pool Section in the Pools page. You can find your pool by pool number which is displayed on the top left of each pool card. Click on the view button of the pool card and you will be able to see the winner of the pool. You will also see a button to which when clicked will show you the stats of the match submission by different users.

How do I cash out solus coins after I win the pool?

After you win the pool, your cashable solus coins are shown in your profile page. You can go to your profile and click on Cashout link in your profile card. You can then follow the instructions to cash out the solus coins. You can only cash out once you have solus coins equivalent to $100 or more.

How robotic submissions are prevented?

Each pools may have moderator accounts enrolled into the pool to make sure that other contestants enrolled into the pools submit a solution with more than 2 correct test cases for them to win.

How do I recognize a moderator account?

In the leaderboard page, a moderator account has *mod beside their name.